الثلاثاء، 31 مارس 2015

Proximity & Line follower Sensors

Written by: Khaled Magdy & Taher Madany

What are Proximity Sensors?

We can say that proximity sensor is a device which detects objects nearby without any physical contact up to nominal range or sensor’s vicinity. In brief we can also say that Sensors which convert information on the movement or presence of an object into an electrical signal are called proximity sensors.

How Proximity Sensors Work?

When anything comes in the range of Proximity sensor it flash out infrared beam and monitors reflections. When sensor senses reflections it confirms that there’s an object nearby.


An Inductive Proximity Sensor consists of an oscillator, a ferrite core with coil, a detector circuit, an output circuit, housing, and a cable or

connector. The oscillator generates a sine wave of a fixed frequency. This signal is used to drive the coil. The coil in conjunction with ferrite core induces a electromagnetic field. When the field lines are interrupted by a metal object, the oscillator voltage is reduced, proportional to the size and distance of the object from the coil. The reduction in the oscillator voltage is caused by eddy currents induced in the metal interrupting the field lines. This reduction in voltage of the oscillator is detected by the detecting circuit.

Wiring The Proximity Sensor

Types of Proximity Sensors

There are several types of proximity sensor which are used according to the need, material detection and many other things. To classify them here are its types:

Inductive Proximity Sensors

Device which generates output signal or electrical signal when metal objects are either inside or entering into its sensing area from any direction. The metal objects above includes iron, aluminum, brass, copper, etc with varied sensing distances.

Other factors which affect Proximity sensors: flat targets are preferable, targets larger than the sensing face may increase the sensing distance. First inductive proximity sensor was introduced in the mid 60’s.

Capacitive Proximity Sensors

It can also detect metals but along with it can also detect resins, liquids, powders, etc. This sensor working can vary accordingly covering material, cable longness, noise senstivity. Its sensing distance also vary according to factors such as the temperature, the sensing object, surrounding objects, and the mounting distance between Sensors. Its maximum range of sensing is 25 mm.

Shielded and Unshielded


Why is there a difference in the effect of surrounding metal between Shielded Proximity Sensors and Unshielded Proximity Sensors?


As shown in Figure 1, the surface of the detection coil on Shielded Proximity Sensors is covered with metal, so the flux is concentrated at the front of Sensors, which reduces the influence of surrounding metal.

As shown in Figure 2, the surface of the sensing coil on Unshielded Proximity Sensors is not covered with metal, so flux is also generated from the surface, which makes Sensors easily influenced by surrounding metal.

Line Follower

What is a line follower?

Line follower is a machine that can follow a path. The path can be visible like a black
line on a white surface (or vice-versa) or it can be invisible like a magnetic field.

Why build a line follower?

Sensing a line and maneuvering the robot to stay on course, while constantly correcting
wrong moves using feedback mechanism forms a simple yet effective closed loop
system. As a programmer you get an opportunity to ‘teach’ the robot how to follow the
line thus giving it a human-like property of responding to stimuli.
Practical applications of a line follower : Automated cars running on roads with
embedded magnets; guidance system for industrial robots moving on shop floor etc.

A Closer Look at the QTI

The QTI module is designed for close proximity infrared (IR) detection.
Take a look at the small square black box just above the QTI label. It’s
nested below the capacitor and between the two resistors. That’s a QRD1114 reflective object sensor.
There’s an infrared diode behind its clear window and an infrared transistor behind its black window.
When the infrared emitted by the diode reflects off a surface and returns to the black window, it
strikes the infrared transistor’s base, causing it to conduct current.

The more infrared incident on the transistor’s base, the more current it

Wiring The QTI

When used as an analog sensor, the
QTI can detect shades of gray on
paper and distances over a short
range if the light in the room

remains constant. With this circuit,
you can set P3 high and then test it
with RCTIME to measure how long it
takes the capacitor to discharge
through the IR transistor. Since the
IR transistor conducts more or less
current depending on how much IR it
receives, the RCTIME measurement
can give you an indication of
distance or shade of gray.
If all you want to know is whether a line is black or white, the QTI can be converted to a
digital sensor by adding a 10 kΩ resistor across its W and R terminals. After doing so, the
QTI behaves similarly to the circuit on the right. When W is connected to Vdd and B is
connected to Vss, the R terminal’s voltage will drop below 1.4 V when the IR transistor sees
infrared reflected from the IR LED. When the IR LED’s signal is mostly absorbed by a black
surface, the voltage at R goes above 1.4 V. Since the BASIC Stamp interprets any voltage
above 1.4 V as 1 and any voltage below 1.4 V as 0, this circuit gives us a quick and easy
way to detect a black line on a white background.

Building the Sensing Circuits

If you apply 5 V to a QTI's W pin, its R pin will rise above 1.4 V if it detects a black surface, or fall below
1.4 V if it detects a white surface. In other words, the QTI sends a binary-1 if it does not see its IR
reflection or a binary-0 if it does. Only one QTI should be turned on at any given time to make sure that
one QTI doesn't see the reflection of another QTI's IR signal. With this rule in mind, P5, P6, and P7 each
connect to a QTI's W pin. P5 connects to the right QTI, P6 to the center QTI, and P7 to the left QTI. All
the B pins are tied to Vss. All the R pins are tied together and connected to P3. We'll turn each QTI on,
one at a time, read P3, and then turn that QTI off again. If the QTI that receives 5 V sees it reflection, it
will drive the voltage at P3 low; otherwise, it will be pulled high by the 10 kΩ resistor.

الجمعة، 27 مارس 2015

Servo Motor

 Written by : Aliya Hammad & Amr Alaa

Servo motors

Servomotors – A motor with a "feedback" device. Electronic packages control speed and position


Open/closed loops

An open loop drive is one in which the signal goes "in one direction only". . . from the control to the motor. There is no signal returning from the motor/load to inform the control that action/motion has occurred.

If a signal is returned to provide information that motion has occurred, then the system is described as having a signal which goes in "two directions": The command signal goes out (to move the motor), and a signal is returned (the feedback) to the control to inform the control of what has occurred. The information flows back, or returns. This is an example of a "closed loop" drive.


What is a servo? This is not easily defined nor self-explanatory since a servomechanism, or servo drive, does not apply to any particular device. It is a term which applies to a function or a task.

The function, or task, of a servo can be described as follows. A command signal which is issued from the user's interface panel comes into the servo's "positioning controller". The positioning controller is the device which stores information about various jobs or tasks. It has been programmed to activate the motor/load, i.e. change speed/position.

The signal then passes into the servo control or "amplifier" section. The servo control takes this low power level signal and increases, or amplifies, the power up to appropriate levels to actually result in movement of the servo motor/load.

These low power level signals must be amplified: Higher voltage levels are needed to rotate the servo motor at appropriate higher speeds.

This power is supplied to the servo control (amplifier) from the "power supply" which simply converts AC power into the required DC level. It also supplies any low level voltage required for operation of integrated circuits.

As power is applied onto the servo motor, the load begins to move . . . speed and position changes.

As the load moves, so does some other "device" move. This other "device" is either a tachometer, resolver or encoder (providing a signal which is "sent back" to the controller). This "feedback" sig-nal is informing the positioning controller whether the motor is doing the proper job.

The positioning controller looks at this feedback signal and determines if the load is being moved properly by the servo motor; and, if not, then the controller makes appropriate corrections.

How is the servo motor constructed?

A servo motor is basically a DC motor(in some special cases it is AC motor) along with some other special purpose components that make a DC motor a servo. In a servo unit, you will find a small DC motor, a potentiometer, gear arrangement and an intelligent circuitry. The intelligent circuitry along with the potentiometer makes the servo to rotate according to our wishes.

As we know, a small DC motor will rotate with high speed but the torque generated by its rotation will not be enough to move even a light load. This is where the gear system inside a servomechanism comes into picture. The gear mechanism will take high input speed of the motor (fast) and at the output, we will get a output speed which is slower than original input speed but more practical and widely applicable.

How Servo motor works

Say at initial position of servo motor shaft, the position of the potentiometer knob is such that there is no electrical signal generated at the output port of the potentiometer . This output port of the potentiometer is connected with one of the input terminals of the error detector amplifier. Now an electrical signal is given to another input terminal of the error detector amplifier. Now difference between these two signals, one comes frompotentiometer and another comes from external source, will be amplified in the error detector amplifier and feeds the DC motor. This amplified error signal acts as the input power of the dc motor and the motor starts rotating in desired direction. As the motor shaft progresses the potentiometer knob also rotates as it is coupled with motor shaft with help of gear arrangement. As the position of the potentiometer knob changes there will be an electrical signal produced at the potentiometer port. As the angular position of the potentiometer knob progresses the output or feedback signal increases. After desired angular position of motor shaft the potentiometer knob is reaches at such position the electrical signal generated in the potentiometer becomes same as of external electrical signal given to amplifier. At this condition, there will be no output signal from the amplifier to the motor input as there is no difference between external applied signal and the signal generated at potentiometer . As the input signal to the motor is nil at that position, the motor stops rotating. This is how a simple conceptual servo motor works.


Servo Motor in Robotics

One of the most popular servo motor applications is robotic. Consider a simple pick and place robot. Pick and place robot is such a robotic machine which is used to pick an object from one position and place the object at different position. Now, in order to pick an object from position A and place it in position B the motors which are used to actuate the joints are servo motors. This is because; we have to plan the angular movement of each and every joint to complete this task of pick and place. Once this data is fed to the robot controller, the robot will continuously do its job. The controller will send PWM data to the individual motors of the robot. This gives precise angular control of the arm which is not possible with a regular DC motor.

Servo Motor in Conveyors

Conveyors are used in Industrial manufacturing and assembling units to pass an object from one assembly station to another. Let’s consider an example of bottle filling process, in the process the bottle needs to be filled with the liquid and moved to the next stage which is mainly the packaging stage. So in order to achieve this conveyor belts are used with servo motors so that the bottle moves precisely to the desired location and stops so that the liquid can be poured into it and then it is guided to the next stage. This process continues until stopped. Hence the precise position control ability of the servo shaft comes in handy.

Servo Motor Applications AS Camera Auto Focus

Today’s modern digital cameras are very advanced. One of the advanced features is its ability to auto focus on the object to be captured. When the image of the object is created within the digital signal processor of the camera, it is checked for sharpness. Basically, if the focal length (measured from camera lens) is not proper, the image appears to be blurred. The corrective action to position the lens precisely so that the sharpest image is captured is done using a highly precise servo motor fitted within the camera. This is another important example of servo motor applications.

Servo Motor in Solar Tracking System
Solar power generation and usage is gaining importance as people move towards clean and renewable energy regime. Earlier, Solar panels that were installed were static and remained in one position for the entire duration of the day. General Science dictates that the Sun is not always facing in one direction and that its position relative to the Solar panel will change. This implies that we are not fully utilizing the power of the sun to extract maximum energy out of it. But, if we attach servo motors to the solar panel s in such a way that we are able to precisely control its angle of movement so that it closely follows the Sun, then the overall efficiency of the system vastly increases. This is another application of servo where angle
control is critical and achievable by a servo motor.

These are some of many Servo Motor Applications.

Principle strengths:

1. High performance

2. Small size

3. Wide variety of components

4. High speeds available

with specialized controls

5. If a heavy load is placed on the motor, the driver will increase the current to the motor coil as it

attempts to rotate the motor. Basically, there is no out-of-step condition. (However, too heavy a load

may cause an error.)

Principle weaknesses:

1. Slightly higher cost

2. High performance limited by controls

Servo motor controlled by IC 555

· WWW.Electrical4u.com

· rookieelectronics.com

· Servo control facts – Baldor electric company

· http://www.bpesolutions.com/

series & parallel circuits

Written by: Eng.Omar Abd-Elrahman

Before starting in our first topic 

What is the current??

Generally current means the flow of molecules “we can call the water in a River a current of water so on “


Current is the flow of carriers through any medium

“Carriers mean electrons or holes or even both “

First topic

We can connect any circuit using 2 ways the first is series and the second is parallel

What is the meaning of series??

Series means that we will connect all circuit components in series and there will be one current in the circuit and there will be a voltage drop in the elements “the voltage depends on the value of resistance or capacitance or inductance “


Series connection might be a part of circuit

The Figure present what I meant

We can calculate the current in this circuit using the law



V1!=V2!=V3 as they have different values of res and the same value of current

What is the meaning of connecting component in a parallel way??

Connecting elements in a parallel way means that we will divide the current in the approaches and every approach will have a specific current it can be the same or not but the voltage in this approaches will be constant and current depends on the elements in the approach

When we can say that these elements are parallel??

We can say that elements are parallel if the elements start with the same point and end with the same point


Parallel connection might be a part of circuit

The Figure will Represent what I meant

Every approach of these approaches have the same value of voltage which equal 9 voltage

The current I1 !=I2 !=I3 We can calculate total current by calculating total Res Then from the law V=IR calculate I ..I1 &I2 &I2 ….I1 =9/R1 and so

After knowing all types of connecting elements in any circuit

Here we will talk about Ohm’s law

Ohm’s law talk about the relation between current and resistance and voltage


Symbol Term

-I “current “

-V “voltage”

-R “Resistance”

From The relation we can notice that the relation between voltage and current is a directly relation & The same with Resistance

If we have a constant value of voltage and a Potentiometer “variable resistance “if we decrease R I will increase

Increasing R means Decreasing I

If we do an experiment in a lab using

1- power supply “voltage source “

2- Resistance “Potentiometer “

3- Voltmeter

4- Ammeter

We will take a Voltage from power supply about 10V

And change the values of Res and measuring I .V &R

We will notice the relation will not be constant because there will be a small voltage drop in the “internal resistance of voltmeter &ammeter “

This figure Represent the relation between voltage and current and resistance


a-You have a Led “Light Emitting Diode “and a battery 6 volt and a resistance 330 ohm ...

1-semulate the circuit using proteus

2-do it in a test board

b-you have 3 Resistance 330 ohm and 2 res 1k connect them in parallel and In series

1-semulate the circuit using proteus and get the values of current and voltage drop in res

2-do it in a test board and measure the values of current and voltage

drop in res

الأربعاء، 4 مارس 2015


Almost every mechanical movement that we see around us is accomplished by an electric motor. Electric machines are a means of converting energy. Motors take electrical energy and produce mechanical energy. Electric motors are used to power hundreds of devices we use in everyday life. Motors come in various sizes.

Huge motors that can take loads of 1000’s of Horsepower are typically used in the industry. Some examples of large motor applications include elevators, electric trains, hoists, and heavy metal rolling mills. Examples of small motor applications include motors used in automobiles, robots, hand power tools and food blenders. 

Micro-machines are electric machines with parts the size of red blood cells, and find many applications in medicine.

When connecting battery to the DC motor, the force on a segment of a loop is:

F = i (L×B(

And the torque on the segment is

T= r F sinƟ

Where Ɵ is the angle between r and F. Therefore, the torque is zero when the loop is beyond the pole edges.

Brushed and brushless motors

Brushed motor:

The brushed DC electric motor generates torque directly from DC power supplied to the motor by using internal commutation, stationary magnets (permanent or electromagnets), and rotating electrical magnets.

Advantages of a brushed DC motor include low initial cost, high reliability, and simple control of motor speed. Disadvantages are high maintenance and low life-span for high intensity uses. Maintenance involves regularly replacing the carbon brushes and springs which carry the electric current, as well as cleaning or replacing the commutator. These components are necessary for transferring electrical power from outside the motor to the spinning wire windings of the rotor inside the motor. Brushes consist of conductors.


Typical brushless DC motors use a rotating permanent magnet in the rotor, and stationary electrical current/coil magnets on the motor housing for the stator, but the symmetrical opposite is also possible. A motor controller converts DC to AC. This design is simpler than that of brushed motors because it eliminates the complication of transferring power from outside the motor to the spinning rotor. Advantages of brushless motors include long life span, little or no maintenance, and high efficiency. Disadvantages include high initial cost, and more complicated motor speed controllers. Some such brushless motors are sometimes referred to as "synchronous motors" although they have no external power supply to be synchronized with, as would be the case with normal AC synchronous motors.

Stepper motor

A stepper motor is a brushless DC motor that divides a full rotation into a number of equal steps. The motor's position can then be commanded to move and hold at one of these steps without any feedback sensor (an open-loop controller), as long as the motor is carefully sized to the application.

There are two basic winding arrangements for the electromagnetic coils in a two phase stepper motor: bipolar and unipolar.


A unipolar stepper motor has one winding with center tap per phase. Each section of windings is switched on for each direction of magnetic field. Since in this arrangement a magnetic pole can be reversed without switching the direction of current, the commutation circuit can be made very simple (e.g., a single transistor) for each winding. Typically, given a phase, the center tap of each winding is made common: giving three leads per phase and six leads for a typical two phase motor. Often, these two phase commons are internally joined, so the motor has only five leads.

A micro controller or stepper motor controller can be used to activate the drive transistors in the right order, and this ease of operation makes unipolar motors popular with hobbyists; they are probably the cheapest way to get precise angular movements.


Bipolar motors have a single winding per phase. The current in a winding needs to be reversed in order to reverse a magnetic pole, so the driving circuit must be more complicated, typically with an H-bridge arrangement (however there are several off-the-shelf driver chips available to make this a simple affair). There are two leads per phase, none are common.

There are three commonly used excitation modes for step motors; these are full step, half step and microstepping.

In dual phase mode, also known as “two-phase on, full step” excitation, the motor is operated with both phases energized at the same time. This mode provides improved torque and speed performance. Dual phase excitation provides about 30% to 40% more torque than single phase excitation, but does require twice as much power from the driver. See the Figure.

Half step excitation is alternating single and dual phase operation resulting in steps that are half the basic step angle. Due to the smaller step angle, this mode provides twice the resolution and smoother operation. Half stepping produces roughly 15% less torque than dual phase full stepping. Modified half stepping eliminates this torque decrease by increasing the current applied to the motor when a single phase is energized. See the Figure